Since 2013 I have worked as a front-end JavaScript developer in the United States, and now Australia. With a few years experience using HTML5 and Sass/CSS to implement UI and using JavaScript to manage dynamic data, I've grown into a role that focuses primarily on the architecture and engineering of JavaScript heavy web applications, using a variety of tooling and frameworks.
With a background in media art and creative coding, I thrive on solving problems with creativity, unconventional approaches, and “outside-the-box” thinking. I'm looking to join a collaborative and inclusive environment conducive to learning and growing my existing skills. Being an active devotee of the open source community, I’ve developed a passion for optimizing workflows, testing and following best practices to deliver clean, clear, and maintainable code that not only performs for users, but communicates intention and purpose across development teams.
I’m also passionate about the power and the potential of the web. I believe that its strength comes from diversity and heterogeneity, and that it has the ability to empower and lift people up. I want to help build a web that celebrates the incongruity and inefficiency of human beings, and helps us connect us to ourselves as much as it connects us to each other.